Rui Ishihara :: History

Participation in projects – selection
(as a dancer/performer/choreographer)

« Who are you? – based on Ordo Virtutum by Hildegard of Bingen » directed by Jarosław Kilian, Teatr Lalka in Warsaw
« Rinaldo (by G. F. Haendel) » directed by Jarosław Kilian, The Polish Royal Opera

« Mikroelementy Chaosu (Micro-elements of Chaos) » with Krzysztof Guzewicz, Natalia Czekała, Łukasz Korybalski and other musicians, Slot Art Festival (Lubiąż, Poland)
« Patuanu – time of darkness » directed by Katarzyna Kazimierczuk, Teatr Remus

2017 – 2018
« Głos Ludzki (La voix humaine) » directed by Maja Kleczewska, Grand Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw
« Wściekłość (The Rage) » directed by Maja Kleczewska, Teatr Powszechny im. Zygmunta Hübnera
« Darkness » choreographed and directed by Izadora Weiss, Grand Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw

« Brokatowy Pejzaż (Brocaded Landscape) » directed by Katarzyna Kazimierczuk, Teatr Remus
« Rangoli » adapted from “Ramayana”, directed by Katarzyna Kazimierczuk, Teatr Remus

« Katmai Kabuki Haiku Hejt » directed by Katarzyna Kazimierczuk, Teatr Remus

2015 – 2017
« Kantor_Tropy: COLLAGE » directed by Katarzyna Pastuszak, Teatr Amareya

2013 – 2015
« Obsesja » directed by Katarzyna Kazimierczuk, Teatr Remus

2013 – 2014
« La Barbe Bleue (The Blue Beard) » directed by Lucile Floreal, Company La Langue Merveille

2011 – 2012
« Łagodna (A Gentle Creature) » adapted from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s short story, directed by Dariusz Kunowski, Scena Lubelska 30/32

« Lunatix » directed by Sylwia Hanff, Teatr Limen, Warsaw

« Opowieści o kobiecie która tanczyła (Stories about a woman who danced) » directed by Elżbieta Jabłońska, Warsaw

Exhibition « Fertilism » curated by Tero Nauha, Rantakasarmi gallery, Suomenlinna, Helsinki

2001 – 2002
« HAN-PUKU » directed by Takeshi Yazaki, Company Arrow Dance Communication, Kyoto


(as a dancer/choreographer, if not specified)

« mimiosumasu (みみをすます) », Segovia (5th International Dance Symposium of IDC)

Director in a mime performance « Hana Shizuka (Silence of flowers) » with Neiro (mime), Warsaw, Yokohama

« ulotnych cieni (fading shadows’) » with Duo Sol et Luna, Teatr na Woli, Warsaw

« Hana no Atosaki (花のあとさき) », Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie, Warsaw

« tsuki-moribito, hi-moribito (月守人、日守人) » with Andreas C. Meier, Wädenswil (Switzerland)
« uta no sasagemono », Poznań

« Hounen-matsuri Kanademai (豊年祭奏舞) » with Uwe Walter, Kyoto

« uta no sasagemono », Helsinki, Gdańsk, Warsaw, Szczecin, Tübingen, Kyoto

« ku-dai –空題– », Kyoto Art Center
« pour mes vieux amis, en signe d’amour », Shiga Jozo (former sake factory), Kyoto

Trilogy « life size universe » in the related program of the exhibition “KANDINSKY” in National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto


Improvisations – selection

« Przestrzeń się! – Look! You, as a little child, run up to us » with Saba Krasoczko (music) and Dariusz Kunowski (light), Warsaw (Butohpolis – 3rd International Butoh Art Festival)

« Kanademai », Akita (ASIA TRI Akita, 2nd Senshu Art Festival 2018)
« Przestrzeń (Space) » with Saba Krasoczko (music) and Dariusz Kunowski (light), Scena Lubelska 30/32, Warsaw
« Przestrzeń II (Space II) » with Mieczysław Litwiński (music) and Dariusz Kunowski (light), Scena Lubelska 30/32, Warsaw

« Sakura na stepie (Sakura on the steppe) » with Aidys Norbu and Magura, Scena Lubelska 30/32, Warsaw

« Sound in Motion » with Flut O’Clock, Warsaw (“III Japońska Wiosna w Warszawie” Festival)
« mimiosumasu – nastawianie ucha » with Duo Sol et Luna, Węgajty (Poland) (IX Wioska Teatralna Festival)

« mimiosumasu (みみをすます) » solo version
« mimiosumasu (みみをすます) – nastawianie ucha » with Duo Sol et Luna, Warsaw (“II Japońska Wiosna w Warszawie” Festival)

« Kappa –喝破– » with Radek Duda, Warsaw

« hospitality for darkness » with Jassem Hindi, Berlin
« First Reaction » with Lauren Newton and Koho Mori-Newton, Berlin

2006 –
Dance Pilgrimage « Kanademai » started. It appeared so far in Italy, Ireland, France, Germany, Serbia, Poland and Japan.
« love and tears » with Atsushi Takenouchi, Hiroko Komiya, Jassem Hindi, Christine Sehnaoui and other artists, Paris

2005 – 2006
Improvisation series « experiences in a body dancing, no.1 – no.4 », PlanB, Tokyo


Other artistic projects – selection

Curator in the poetry reading project « 今日の世界に耳をすます (Listen to the world) », an evening of Polish-Japanese reading of Czesław Miłosz’s „Świat, poema naiwne (世界 ポエマ・ナイヴネ、The World, a naïve poem)”, Gallery Yudo, Tokyo
project website:

Curator in the poetry reading project « Posłuchaj Świata (Listen to the world) », an evening of Polish-Japanese reading of Czesław Miłosz’s poetry „Świat, poema naiwne (The World, a naïve poem)”, Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw
project website:

Artistic director in the interdisciplinary, interactive artistic project « Poema XXI. Świat Miłosza według Rui Ishihara » (The 21st Poems. The World of Czeslaw Milosz according to Rui Ishihara), The National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw
project website:


Workshop Leading

2018  « Przestrzeń się! (Open, and fill the space!) » in cooperation with Stanisław Truszkowski, Wojciech Jeż and Wojciech Urbański

2015 – 2018  Regular dance workshop in Warsaw

2015  Workshop presentation in 7th International Mime Art Theatre Workshops and Presentations (artistic director: Stefan Niedziałkowski), Warsaw

2011  Butoh workshop in 9th Wioska Teatralna (Theatre Village) Festival, Węgajty

2009 – 2012  Regular dance workshop in Warsaw

2006 – 2009  Short-term workshops in different cities in Finland, Poland, Switzerland and Japan.



2015  Japanese translation of Czesław Miłosz’s “The World, a naïve poem (世界 ポエマ・ナイヴネ)” (Publisher: Minato no Hito, Co-translator: Michiko Tsukada), Japan

2010  Essay ”Duchy tańczące butoh (Souls, dancing butoh)” Magazine „Teatr”, Poland

2008  Essay “Signposts on the soles (足裏の道しるべ)” Magazine “Iwato No.7”, Japan



2004  Bachelor of Agriculture, Kyoto University